A quick note on Apollo
Cyprus Avenue
Part of 3-band line-up:
Tidal Suns
Wednesday 22nd, 9pm
Before we start, I must preface this with two notes. Firstly, I turned up late and left early and, secondly, this was because I was there to see one band and this was because the drummer is a buddy of mine. Suffice to say, if I did not think they were any good, I wouldn’t be writing this at all. So, now, we all know where we stand!
This was Apollo’s debut. Apollo. It’s always so difficult to name a band. Unless you’re going with the So&so and the Somethings, nearly every name is going to sound a bit ‘huh?’ until you’re well known and well loved. So, Apollo it is then.
Names aside, I liked them. Well, we already established that, didn’t we? The lead singer took at least two songs to get over his nerves, which is understandable for a debut performance. Heck, even seasoned performers routinely throw up before going on-stage. The two guitarists were like Mutt & Jeff, Beavis & Butthead (very entertaining) while the drummer appeared calm as sky blue sea, but that is the point of drummers, isn’t it?
Sound-wise, they’re pretty tight although I would have liked to hear the occasional bit of backing voice a bit better – perhaps that was the balance on the desk, perhaps the boys need to sing up, perhaps that’s exactly as they want it – just my preference. Also, sound-wise, they’re doing something a bit new for these here parts – a very American sound, reminded me of that band Live from a few years back – had a single, I alone – anyone?
My personal favourite is the lead – he has this little hand-dance which got more and more pronounced the more relaxed he became. I’ve never seen it before – wandering into the realm of the hypnotic.
What can I say? They have promise. They are so far steering clear of the routine & hum-drum. And their rendition of Whole lot of Rosie rocked.
By the by, is it Cyprus Avenue or Cypress Avenue? Different signs, different spellings.